March 12, 2021 FPCLA Lenten Word Meditation

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Today’s Lenten Word Meditation comes from Psalm 148 The Message:

1-5 Hallelujah!
Praise God from heaven,
    praise God from the mountaintops;
Praise God, all you his angels,
    praise God, all you his warriors,
Praise God, sun and moon,
    praise God, you morning stars;
Praise God, high heaven,
    praise God, heavenly rain clouds;
Praise, oh let them praise the name of God—
    God spoke the word, and there they were!

God set them in place
    from all time to eternity;
God gave God’s orders,
    and that’s it!

7-12 Praise God from earth,
    you sea dragons, you fathomless ocean deeps;
Fire and hail, snow and ice,
    hurricanes obeying his orders;
Mountains and all hills,
    apple orchards and cedar forests;
Wild beasts and herds of cattle,
    snakes, and birds in flight;
Earth’s kings and all races,
    leaders and important people,
Robust men and women in their prime,
    and yes, graybeards and little children.

13-14 Let them praise the name of God—
    it’s the only Name worth praising.
God’s radiance exceeds anything in earth and sky;
    God has built a monument—God’s very own people!

Praise from all who love God!
    Israel’s children, intimate friends of God.
Hallelujah!Today’s word, praise (halal in Hebrew) is defined as rejoiceful, boastful, shout with joy, praise.  Psalms are a collection of hymns and prayers.  In Psalm 148, it is a joyful song.
I sit, hold, and pray with the word, praise.  The word reminds me of the phrase, “Praise the Lord” or PTL.  I think I usually say it when something good or amazing happens.  It is an expression of joy and thankfulness.  The last time I said it was with Jenny at the Food Pantry. 

Yet, I can only imagine when Jesus entered Jerusalem for the final time and the people were praising him with palm branches and clothes laid on the road before him.  Yes they were praising him because they thought he was the messiah, but were they praising him when he was on the Cross?  Jesus must have been sad when he entered Jerusalem. 

I wonder if I could praise or be thankful to God when times are terrible.  If I can’t, what do I think God is for me?

Pastor Sam


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