March 24, 2022 FPCLA Lenten Word Meditation

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Today, I and another helper moved the last of our stuff from storage to our new home’s garage. We have had that storage unit for over 5 years, and it ended today. The helper from today is from Guatemala, and he is the head custodian at my father’s church. He is kind and efficient and ready to help. Without him, I could not do this because of my tweaked back. (back is doing much better, but still have a hard time sitting). I paid him well and thanked him again and again when we finished in less than two hours. In the car going back and forth from the storage unit and the garage, we compared stories about our immigrant families and how they came to the USA for a better life and working hard and their children going to school. I marvel at the immigrant story of survival, hope, and resiliency.

I wonder how Jesus and his family changed when they fled to Egypt. How did they survive there? What was it like to return to the home country when the danger of death had passed?

Meditation: What is your story of survival, hope, and resiliency?

Pastor Sam

PS Starting tomorrow til the end of Lent, Pastor Eula will be posting.


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