March 03, 2022 FPCLA Lenten Word Meditation

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Today I was at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center where my mother was getting tests done today. She is fine and took tests for preventative measures. It reminded me of the time when I was a chaplain and giving spiritual care for patients. I saw love in action today as I saw family members helping and supporting and making sure they received the care that they needed. I saw caregivers like nurses and staff going out of their way to make sure the patients were seen and heard.

Yet I wonder about those that don’t have the means to receive care and those that avoid going to the hospital in fear of what illness they have and those with no family to support them. I think about how Jesus loved and care for others. I think about how we are taught to give the same care to others. I think about how to love.

Meditation: how is love a part of us?…our hearts, our minds, our bodies….

My blessings and my love to FPCLA.

Pastor Sam



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